George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs


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a. The  High Commissioner
The OHCHR is headed by a High Commissioner with the rank of Under Secretary-General who reports to the Secretary-General. The High Commis- sioner is responsible for:
• all activities of  the OHCHR, as well as for its administration;

• carrying out the functions specifically assigned by the above-mentioned General Assembly resolution and subsequent resolutions of policy- making bodies;
• advising the Secretary-General on policies of the United Nations in the area of  human rights;
• ensuring that substantive and administrative support is given to the proj- ects, activities, organs and bodies of  the human rights programme;
• representing the Secretary-General at meetings of human rights organs and at other human rights events; and
• carrying out special assignments as decided by the Secretary-General.
The incumbent High Commissioner is Ms Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland. The United Nations General Assembly approved her appoint- ment in June 1997 and Ms. Robinson took up her duties as High Commis- sioner for Human Rights on 12 September 1997.


The High Commissioner is assisted in all activities by a Deputy High Com- missioner who acts as Officer-in-Charge during the absence of the High Commissioner. In addition, the Deputy High Commissioner carries out spe- cific substantive and administrative assignments as determined by the High Commissioner.


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