George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs

George Mentz Colorado Springs


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b. Reporting procedure
All treaties require States parties to report on the progress of implementation of  the rights set forth in the treaty. The common procedure is as follows:
• Each State party is required to submit periodic reports to the Committee;
• The reports are examined by the treaty body in light of information received from a variety of sources including non-governmental organiza- tions, United Nations agencies, experts. Some treaty bodies specifically invite NGOs and United Nations agencies to submit information;
• After considering the information, the treaty body issues concluding observations/comments containing recommendations for action by the State party enabling better implementation of the relevant treaty. The treaty body monitors follow-up action by the State party on the conclud- ing comments/observations during examination of the next report sub- mitted. On several occasions, treaty-body recommendations set out in the concluding comments/observations have served as the basis for new technical cooperation projects.

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